<p>Priyanka Chopra returned to social media on Saturday, giving her admirers an update on her latest exploits after a short absence. As they get ready for Christmas 2023, she shared a number of photos with her spouse Nick Jonas, daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, and friends. The family is spending precious time with loved ones over the holidays, as shown by Priyanka and Nick’s recent attendance at a dinner party.</p>
<p><img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-319499″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/theindiaprint.com-priyanka-chopra-celebrates-christmas-with-her-daughter-malti-and-friends-while-sea.jpg” alt=”theindiaprint.com priyanka chopra celebrates christmas with her daughter malti and friends while sea” width=”1079″ height=”616″ title=”Priyanka Chopra Celebrates Christmas With Her Daughter Malti And Friends While Seated On Nick Jonas' Lap; Pictures 6″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/theindiaprint.com-priyanka-chopra-celebrates-christmas-with-her-daughter-malti-and-friends-while-sea.jpg 700w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/theindiaprint.com-priyanka-chopra-celebrates-christmas-with-her-daughter-malti-and-friends-while-sea-150×86.jpg 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1079px) 100vw, 1079px” /></p>
<p>Priyanka posted pictures from a private dinner party via Instagram. She could be seen giggling on Nick’s lap in the first photo. Nick was dressed sharply in a black jacket and turtleneck, while Priyanka looked stunning in white. Morgan Stewart McGraw hosted the gathering at her home, and there was a delectable variety of food. Fans were given an early look at the opulent dinner with photos shared by Morgan Stewart McGraw. The variety of delectable delicacies included caviar, potato chips, tuna tartare, salad, steak, and more. Priyanka will be spending her second Christmas with her daughter Malti Marie and her fifth with her husband, Nick.</p>
<p>The actress posted a few sweet photos of her daughter Malti from a different day. The child was completely absorbed in her brand-new BMW play vehicle. Malti is really enjoying the holiday season, whether they are playing outside with Priyanka or having a good time on a swing. Priyanka merely captioned the pictures with the word “Lately” and an emoji of folded hands.</p>
<p>Priyanka and Nick are now married and reside in Los Angeles. Earlier this month, they celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in New York City. Aside from that, in January, their daughter Malti will celebrate her birthday.</p>
<p>Priyanka is working on a few projects at the moment. Head of States starring John Cena and Jee Le Zaraa in Bollywood starring Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif are examples of this.</p>